



Monday, March 9, 2015

Honey is doing well and  has turned into a fun little riding horse. Here are some pics and videos taken over the last couple of yerars.

It was fun! riding in the snow!

Riding drag for a competitive ride in Georgetown

Riding in a jump clinic

 Sunny before, with mom, Wild Honey:

Sunny came in from the feedlot with his mom, Wild Honey.  Another baby boy, merely a month old.  What a handsome and well-built youngster he was.  Neither he nor mom knew human touch, but he had the sweetest, most inquisitive personality.  As he grew, so did his loving nature, and WHAT a smart little guy.

His new mom calls him "Sunny Boy" or her "love bug". Of course, she thinks he is the sweetest horse ever. She works with him some, but she's being patient and giving him at least six more months to mature, then he'll gets some serious professional training. He has growing and filling out, becoming a handsome, hunky and
sweet-natured big guy.
Sunny later:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Sept 28

What a gorgeous day! I got to the ranch just as Fancy and her owner Steve were going on a ride on the trail-with Russ and they were both riding gaited horses.  We went on a longer than usual trail ride- about an hour and a half.

We went a new way- for Honey any ways. Lots of varied terrain- rocky down hills, narrow trails. I did dismount in a technical area and the footing was shaky rocks that were scary for a green horse. She was just fine to follow me and did so willingly and calmly. I mounted up and off we went.

I focused on getting her to walk out- no problem now that she is comfortable with shoes and she was following that gaited horse. She offered to trot out several times and was obedient to my saying "No we don't trot anytime you please"

She was a trooper and can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Saturday's adventure 9/24

I had the morning lesson, with 2 others in the class-men- after the class we went on the trail! She was so good, and went right through the water and when we trotted up the trail she even broke into a canter! SO TERRIFIC!  i thinks she is becoming aware of how she is a little more comfortable.
You must read the page on the sidebar about her feet.

We had a nice ride- She had Sunday and Monday off. Tuesday the 27- we rode around the arena- more circles! and leg yields. Progress is going along!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Its Official

Ok - Its official. Wendy said she has been getting several inquiries about Honey. After all she is now a "riding" horse.
I couldn't do it- let her go that is.
My friend Sheri Lacey (breeder,trainer) told me-"Yes its hard- when you work a horse and its good. You have an emotional attachment, and its hard to let go."
I couldn't do it and told her "Yes" today. I'll keep her.

Saturday th 17th- Rode with the POLICE

Did that title catch you?? Ha ha - went to the Saturday class- for our usual public exposure. There were 2 people (men) in the class. They were policemen getting ready to do a mounted patrol class next week. Russ was helping them (us) and one man was a very new rider and his experienced friend was a bit worried how he was going to do. Thanks goodness he was riding an experienced mellow horse! We did the usual- more trotting than usual which was great cuz Russ and I played leap frog, so Honey learned how to pass and be passed at the trot. When her feet get better we'll bump that up to a canter.
NOT our ball-but that IS the ball!

BUT the best was learning about that BALL! Yes its about 6ft in diameter. So Chou (the policeman) showed how their horses need to PUSH on the ball with their chests. Similar to what they would do in crowd control.
So we all practiced Kicking the 3ft ball and pushing with the chest the big ball!  Yes Honey was able to watch the other horses push and SHE did too!!!
She's such a trooper!!